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HR Offshore Marine Management

Bridging Challenges with Solutions

MLC 2006 Declaration of Compliance

Offshore Marine Management MLC 2006 Declaration of Compliance.


The Maritime Labor Convention 2006 is a convention issued by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2006, ratified in August 2012 and put to full force in August 2013. ILO is a branch of the United Nations Organization, just as the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and the Convention's objective is to mandate among the signatory countries "...decent conditions of work and to promote the fundamental principles and rights of work..." acknowledging that all seafarers are entitled " be covered by the provisions and instruments and other rights which are established as fundamental rights and freedoms aplicable to all persons" and "...considering that given the global nature of the shipping industry, seafarers need special protection"...( MLC 2006, Preamble). 

Among other matters, on its Art. III MLC 2006 includes the following principles: 

a) Freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

b) Elimination of all forms of forced and or compulsory labor.

c) Effective abolition of child labor.

d) Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

On its Art. IV states the following fundamental rights:

1) Right to a safe and secure workplace that complies with safety standards.

2) Right to fair terms of employment.

3) Decent work and living conditions on board a ship.

4) Right to health protection and other forms of social protection.

5) The seafarers rights should be applied through legal measures which 

should be practically and effectively implemented. 

Additionally, on its regulation 1.4 regarding the recruitment and placement of seafarers, it sets the conditions, minimum standards and guidelines to ensure the true and correct application of its principles which must be complied with by any recruitment and placement service and any ship owner or operator registered in a member country. 

It is within this context that OMM and HR OMM are compliant with MLC 2006 in order to guarantee to our crew members and to our customers  the best conditions possible regarding recruitment and placement of seafarers fair practices regardless of their nationality, origin, gender, religion or educational back ground as they comply with the minimum placement requirements in terms of certification, competency, health, safety and experience.

Additionally, OMM and HR OMM are compliant with MLC 2006 regardless of the adherence and ratification of the countries they usually operate in North America (specifically Mexico and the United States) to the MLC 2006 Convention, hoping that whenever those countries decide to adhere to and ratify the Convention, the MLC 2006 standards and practices will be already observed and standardized as a normal practice by the company in addition to the observance of the applicable local or national labor laws and regulations.   


As a result of this declaration, the MLC  2006 Convention regulations and recommendations are embedded in the companies' Quality, Safety and Environmental management systems, policies and principles and observed to the maximum extent of its operations. 

For this purpose, OMM has obtained the Certification of Compliance with MLC 2006 from Panama Maritime Documentation Services, a Panama Maritime Authority recognized organization (RO)  in order to better serve the needs of our crew members and the regulatory requirements of our customers. Such Certification must be audited on an annual basis. 

To see the OMM's Certificate of Compliance with MLC 2006 Convention ( Reg. 1.4) please go to the following link:  

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